Our nation is in the midst of a serious
affordable housing crisis with only
4 million affordable homes available
for the country's 11 million extremely
low-income families.

It is well documented that poor quality, unsafe housing and repeated relocations have severe repercussions, negatively affecting mental and physical health, educational attainment and economic security.
Conversely, quality affordable housing can transform the lives of individuals, families and communities, drastically improving well-being and quality of life. Here’s how:

It makes communities healthier. Housing instability and homelessness seriously affect child and adult health. Affordable housing allows families to dedicate more of their income to healthcare and nutrition, leading to improved health outcomes. It also lessens the strain on mental and physical health associated with poor quality housing, overcrowding, repeated relocation and financial hardship.
It’s good for children. Studies have shown that living in poor quality and unstable housing can have a devastating effect on the physical, emotional and behavioral health and development of children and can jeopardize educational success. Quality affordable housing creates the stable environment young people need in order to succeed, leading to a steadier academic life and improved educational outcomes.

It creates economic opportunity. New housing developments bring positive economic growth, providing temporary and permanent employment to struggling communities. And, relieved of the burden of unsustainable housing costs, residents can spend more of their income on goods and services, driving economic growth and attracting new businesses, amenities and investment in the community. Affordable housing also creates new tax revenues and can positively affect surrounding property values.
It builds diverse and stable communities. Affordable housing in urban areas reduces the segregation of people with different socio-economic, cultural and educational backgrounds. This allows poorer residents to access higher quality educational opportunities and better services. Housing stability also encourages community building. When people put down roots, invest in their surroundings and feel proud of where they live, crime rates drop and quality of life improves.