30-32 Regis Road, Mattapan
Cote Village is an apartment complex designated for occupancy and individuals
whose earnings are 60% or less of the Boston area median income. Cote Village Townhomes were completed in Fall 2021.

CICD, in partnership with the Boston Planning Office for Urban Affairs, was selected by the City
of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development to redevelop the 2.5-acre city-owned parcel
of land. The land is located near the newly-built Cummings Highway Commuter Rail Station
(on the Fairmount Line).
The four townhouse buildings along Regis Road are designed to fit both the style and scale of the street. The walk-up buildings will serve as a transition between Cummins Highway and the residential neighborhood. A 22-spot parking lot sits between the buildings.
• 24 Units
• Approximately 37,212 GSF
• $12 million Total Development Cost
• Target completion date: Summer 2021
• Financed with 9% Tax Credits,
MHFA Perm, City of Boston Funds,
DHCD, Bank of America and
deferred developer fee
• All units are 60% AMI and below