Organizations can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and set an example for their workforce by supporting equitable housing opportunities for the employees of tomorrow.
By donating to CICD, your funds will go towards:

Building affordable housing developments for communities in need on the East Coast.
Funding an entire ecosystem of opportunity that will impact families for generations to come.

Providing professional development and workforce training.
Did you know that the affordable
housing crisis impacts your workforce?

Studies show that growing housing costs negatively impact employee recruitment, productivity, and retention, which hurts businesses and the economy. By supporting the affordable housing movement and local communities, you are ensuring that all members of your past, present, and future workforce have equitable living conditions and can thrive in future jobs.
join our community
of partners
For more information, contact Donald Alexis, President of the Caribbean Integration Community Development at dalexis@cicdofboston.org or visit our contact us page.